spelling home work

  1. 4. avoid
  2. 5. a small scale
  3. 6. with steel or is a structure of steel
  4. 8. past tense of bolt
  5. 9. a bronze coin from the olden days
  6. 10. do something without being told
  7. 11. act of reconciling
  8. 15. silver coin from the olden days
  9. 17. shake
  1. 1. entirely sure or scared
  2. 2. in heavily
  3. 3. order of those entitled to succeed
  4. 5. quietly
  5. 7. a _______ of eggs
  6. 12. be correct
  7. 13. group of people who live in a street
  8. 14. or liquid
  9. 16. come into sight