Spelling List 9

  1. 3. Different types of currency, like coins and bills.
  2. 7. Calm and peaceful, like a quiet lake on a sunny day.
  3. 8. Available spaces, like rooms in a hotel that can be booked.
  4. 9. Enough to meet the needs, like having just the right amount of cake for a party.
  5. 11. Treatments for problems, like medicine for a cold.
  6. 12. Animals known for their playful behavior, like the ones you see at the zoo.
  7. 14. Simple machines used to lift things, like those in a flagpole.
  8. 15. To send out or arrange, like setting up troops for a mission.
  9. 17. To hold someone back, like keeping someone from leaving a room.
  10. 18. Danger or risk, like walking on a slippery ice patch.
  11. 20. A line of people waiting, like the line at the movie theater.
  12. 21. The ordinal number for 90, like the 90th birthday celebration.
  13. 22. To give up or reject, like deciding not to eat sweets anymore.
  1. 1. A paper advertisement, like a leaflet for a local event.
  2. 2. Serious, distressing events, like natural disasters or personal losses.
  3. 4. Comfort in times of trouble, like finding peace in a warm blanket during a storm.
  4. 5. Low areas between mountains, like the scenic valleys you see on a hike.
  5. 6. Recollections of past events, like the good times you remember from childhood.
  6. 9. Made easier, like breaking down complex instructions into simpler steps.
  7. 10. Using something for a purpose, like applying a new technique in a project.
  8. 13. A state of peace, like relaxing in a quiet garden.
  9. 16. Loyal and firm, like a friend who always stands by your side.
  10. 19. Items that are put in a list or competition, like submissions for a contest.