Spelling Practice - Term 1 (Week 2-3)

  1. 3. the pump of each heartbeat in the veins
  2. 4. substances in food needed for nourishment
  3. 6. someone that approaches unfamiliar situations with courage and explores new roles and ideas
  4. 7. a promise to do something
  5. 10. act of moving around
  6. 12. vessels that carry blood to the heart
  7. 13. system that circulates blood through the body
  8. 15. system composed of muscle and tissues that allow movement
  9. 16. bands of tissue that allow movement
  10. 18. system that is made up of all the bones in your body
  11. 19. a backbone
  1. 1. a type of gas important for life
  2. 2. high esteem felt or shown toward someone
  3. 5. system that involves breathing
  4. 8. muscle that helps the lungs expand to breath in air
  5. 9. system that breaks down food
  6. 11. sensitive fibers beneath the skin
  7. 14. someone that takes care of their mind, body and feelings
  8. 17. dioxide chemical exhaled in gas form when breathing
  9. 18. the skeleton of a person's head