Spelling words LANA

  1. 3. bad cold
  2. 6. too big
  3. 8. a party
  4. 11. popular
  5. 12. you ride one
  6. 13. need help
  7. 16. pirates Take them
  8. 17. not tight
  9. 19. Kind
  10. 20. how,where,someone
  1. 1. a holiday
  2. 2. you shouldn’t do it with food or money
  3. 4. unowned
  4. 5. bad thing for animals
  5. 7. we get it from documents and paperwork
  6. 9. Not active
  7. 10. too much
  8. 14. backward
  9. 15. relaxed
  10. 18. the least good