Spirit of Truth (Review)
- 2. a short story that uses characters or situations to which we can relate to teach us a deeper lesson
- 4. Church Dogma that teaches that the second person of the Holy Trinity, the Son of God, assumed a human nature as Jesus Christ
- 7. (two words) the story of God's love and mercy revealed to us throughout human history
- 10. the person who performs the actions and speaks words of the Sacrament
- 13. the central event of the Exodus from Egypt by the Jews
- 14. an effective sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church by which divine life is dispensed to us through the work of the Holy Spirit
- 15. a visible sign of God's grace
- 18. (two words) the free and undeserved gift of a share in God's own life
- 19. the person who celebrates the Sacrament
- 20. the physical material used or the action performed in the Sacrament
- 21. Latin for "let it be done"
- 22. spirit which animates or gives life to a body
- 1. grace (two words) the supernatural help from God that gives our will the strength to do good and avoid evil
- 3. (three words) the Latin phrase, "From the work having been done"
- 5. the free and undeserved gift of God's life within us
- 6. the essential words spoken during the celebration of of the Sacrament
- 8. (two words) Church Dogma that teaches that the Virgin Mary was born without the stain of Original Sin
- 9. a visible or outword representation of an invisible reality
- 11. a supernatural act of God that demonstrates His power over all things
- 12. a sacred/permanent bond of family relationship
- 16. (three words) God's reign or rule over all things
- 17. a profession of faith