- 2. This sport has rackets and it's played on tables
- 4. This sport has a huge course and uses a club
- 6. This sport is played on ice
- 7. This sport is soccer but uses hands instead
- 8. This sport is the British version of Football
- 9. This sport consists of throwing
- 11. This sport uses rackets and has high nets
- 14. This sport mainly consists of running
- 15. This sport involves snow
- 1. This sport is named after a bug
- 3. This sport consists of fighting
- 5. This sport has high nets and is based on hitting the ball back with you hand
- 10. This sport involves water
- 11. This sport consists of rolling balls
- 12. This sport has rackets and has low nets
- 13. This sport consists of throwing and hitting
- 15. This sport mainly consists of kicking