
  1. 3. a sport that includes physical exercises
  2. 6. club-and-ball sport
  3. 7. players throw small missiles
  4. 12. bat-and-ball game
  5. 14. an endurance multisport race consisting of swimming, cycling, and running over various distances
  6. 17. played on ice
  7. 19. is a Korean sport
  8. 20. referred to as hoops
  9. 22. horseback riding
  10. 24. bicycling or biking
  11. 25. primarily involve the use of motorised
  1. 1. racket sport
  2. 2. using their hands of throwing into the goal
  3. 4. tennis whiff-whaff
  4. 5. lifting barrels
  5. 8. bow and arrow
  6. 9. racquet sport
  7. 10. requires to use entire body to move through ______
  8. 11. cue sport
  9. 13. family of team sports
  10. 15. combat sport involving grappling-type techniques
  11. 16. a combat sport
  12. 18. two teams are separated by a net
  13. 21. a racket and ball sport
  14. 23. is referred to as their marksmanship