- 2. in, We're playing cards. Would you like to join in? присоединяться к чему-либо
- 5. of scrimmage in American football, the line on which the ball is positioned at the beginning of play
- 6. back a football player who carries the ball from the line where the play starts
- 7. out выбывать из соревнований из-за поражения
- 13. ahead, After a disappointing year, the company is finally pulling ahead of the competition once more. вырваться вперед
- 14. защитник
- 15. The staff room is out of bounds to students. вне рамок разума или приличия, граница, предел, вход воспрещен
- 19. начало матча
- 20. Мяч
- 1. he caught the ball and ran downfield 15 yards toward or in the defending team's end of the playing field
- 3. решать проблему, браться за что-либо, перехватывать (мяч)
- 4. off, She works off stress by running for at least half an hour every day. get rid of an unpleasant feeling, e.g. aggression or anger by doing sth energetic
- 5. built like a linebacker полузащитник, Euphemism for "fat"
- 8. потасовка, a practice game of American football, basketball, football, etc
- 9. повторная игра после ничьей, серия игр
- 10. гол (в регби, американском футболе)
- 11. off сжигать калории
- 12. передача, a play in which one player hands the ball to a teammate
- 16. a punt or kick-off that lands or is fumbled into the end zone
- 17. шарить, нащупывать, in sport, to fail to catch a ball
- 18. out, I work out at the gym three times a week тренироваться