
  1. 1. Played by tackling people to try to get the ball to the other side (5)
  2. 5. Played with a stick and a puck (6)
  3. 8. A tennis event held in Melbourne (3,10,4)
  4. 10. Many events that involve people in a pool (8)
  5. 11. Played on an oval field and his popular in Australia (8)
  6. 12. Tiger Woods is famous in this type of sport (4)
  7. 14. Played like soccer and basketball put together (8,8)
  8. 16. Aim of this sport is to try to shoot an arrow in a middle of a circular target (7)
  9. 17. Mainly use your feet to kick the ball (6)
  10. 18. A sport that is played with a racket and a small ball (6)
  11. 19. Just like tennis but people use a shuttlecock instead (9)
  1. 2. Aim of this sport is to hit the ball and run to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th base (8)
  2. 3. Played with a bat and a red ball (7)
  3. 4. Is a sport of fighting with swords (7)
  4. 6. Happens every four years (8)
  5. 7. Aim of the sport is to keep the ball up and make the ball go down on the opposing team’s side (10)
  6. 8. The two main categories that is played in the Olympics (5,3,5,5)
  7. 9. Aim of this sport is to throw a spear like stick as far as you can (7)
  8. 13. A smaller version of tennis (5,6)
  9. 15. People bounce the ball and try to shoot it in the hoop (10)