
  1. 3. use long curved sticks to hit a small rubber
  2. 5. riding horse
  3. 7. the sport of racing or sailing in yachts
  4. 8. it's can riding and 2 whaals,didn't use fuel
  5. 11. the activity of catching fish
  6. 17. people run from one place to another place
  7. 22. activity move quickly in a raft
  8. 23. throwing a ball through a net
  9. 25. people shoot arrows at a target using a ball
  10. 26. people play a lot in thai
  1. 1. thrown the ball to land as near a target ball
  2. 2. activity of climbing mountains
  3. 4. press into a pulp or a flat mass
  4. 6. use oval racket with strings across to hit a ball
  5. 9. activity of flying a hot air balloon
  6. 10. a single wheel propelled by pedals
  7. 12. a game which you try to hit a ball
  8. 13. the sport of moving on ice
  9. 14. game have spots inside rectangle
  10. 15. aactivity of flying in a glider
  11. 16. activity that roll the surface of water
  12. 18. slap a ball thrown the net
  13. 19. thrown the loop into the pin or closer
  14. 20. similar tennis
  15. 21. thrown the spear
  16. 24. a balling game which are rolled at a jack