  1. 3. - Achievement in any sports.
  2. 5. - Sports action to start a match.
  3. 6. - Sports action to get better.
  4. 7. - Group of people in sports.
  5. 11. - Sport to aim and shoot.
  6. 12. - Round sports equipment to play with.
  7. 14. - Sports activity to get better.
  8. 15. - Sports action to improve stamina.
  1. 1. - Sports action to go higher.
  2. 2. - Sports ride with two wheels.
  3. 4. - Sports contest between players.
  4. 8. - Sports participant that trains hard.
  5. 9. - To learn from in any sports.
  6. 10. - Sports contest to run very fast and win.
  7. 13. - Sports preparation by athletes.