Sports Are Back!

  1. 1. Gymnasium
  2. 4. Footy
  3. 7. Both teams made it to the 2019 playoffs
  4. 8. An athletic instructor or trainer
  5. 11. Mascot
  6. 12. Canada's national sport
  7. 13. Beat the Mounties Halloweekend 2019
  8. 14. Can't wait to cheer from here
  9. 16. ___ Arena
  10. 17. John H. Price Sports and Recreation Centre
  11. 19. 15 players on the field
  1. 2. ___ Gym
  2. 3. Hashtag
  3. 5. 2019 Men's Basketball
  4. 6. The newest varsity team
  5. 9. Tailgating event
  6. 10. The D
  7. 11. One of the two coed teams
  8. 15. ___ Field
  9. 18. ___ Night in Canada