sports injuries

  1. 2. / a trigger of an epileptic seizure
  2. 3. / Treatment for this injury is RICE
  3. 6. / can cause a playing surface to be dangerous and slippery
  4. 7. / non contact, individual sport
  5. 10. / effective ______________ is essential for coaches to succeed
  6. 12. / ___________ surface
  7. 13. / factor influencing injury beyond an inidividual's control
  8. 17. / a piece of protective equipment
  1. 1. / If a bad one of these is made in football a serious injury can occur
  2. 2. / Can be done as a pulse raiser
  3. 4. / contact sport
  4. 5. / holds bone to bone
  5. 8. / severe bang to the head
  6. 9. / the fourth stage of a warm up
  7. 11. / extreme thirst is a symptom of this condition
  8. 14. / a hormone produced by the pancreas
  9. 15. / A type of injury that occurs over time
  10. 16. / the position a person is placed in after an epileptic seizure