Sports Medicine

  1. 2. series of questions to find out what's wrong
  2. 7. turf burn
  3. 8. looking for 5 specific things
  4. 11. another word for swelling
  5. 12. sudden drop in blood pressure
  6. 13. brain attack
  7. 14. sharp cut
  8. 15. creating optimum conditions for healing
  9. 16. damage to ligament
  10. 19. last part of athletic training
  1. 1. bruise
  2. 3. damage to muscle
  3. 4. jagged irregular cut
  4. 5. acronym used for stroke
  5. 6. too much, too little sugar in blood
  6. 9. temporary loss of consciousness
  7. 10. 2nd part of 4 parts to athletic training
  8. 12. don't stop it, restrain or put anything in mouth
  9. 17. forceful tear
  10. 18. active and passive