  1. 1. consist to control a ball with a stick
  2. 4. consist to hit the ball with stick and put in a hole
  3. 6. a sport that playing eleven players
  4. 7. the same at hanball but in the water
  5. 8. a sport to compete in water
  6. 9. is a competition of motorbikes
  7. 13. consist to put the ball in a basket
  8. 15. is the same at football but whit hands
  9. 16. consist to hit your oponent
  10. 17. like surf but with a sail
  11. 19. consist to step the four bases to win
  12. 20. consist to hit a ball with a racket
  1. 2. competition of bikes
  2. 3. usualy is playing in the beach
  3. 5. you competed with horse
  4. 10. you can make a tackle to the opponents to get the ball
  5. 11. consist to get low in a snowy mountain whit ski
  6. 12. shoot whit arc to dartboarth
  7. 14. consist to run and win your oponents
  8. 18. you have to wear skates