
  1. 4. Another subject
  2. 6. Help bady
  3. 10. Every one like
  4. 13. Need a lot of time
  5. 14. A period of time
  6. 16. People help each other
  7. 17. Different activuty
  8. 18. Scient of electron
  9. 19. People in area
  10. 21. Teacher get a idea
  11. 23. Sporter power
  12. 25. Sporter small dream
  13. 27. Dont down
  14. 28. Everyone need go to do
  1. 1. Different power
  2. 2. Different respect
  3. 3. People strong body
  4. 5. Other make the same
  5. 7. A success sport area
  6. 8. Let time go away
  7. 9. Ride byble person
  8. 11. Dream of the end
  9. 12. Make people strive
  10. 15. A visual depiction
  11. 18. In water sport
  12. 20. Take board person
  13. 22. At the target
  14. 24. Teacher help
  15. 26. Prefigure the future
  16. 27. Study power