
  1. 1. A home for a bird
  2. 3. The fourth month of the year
  3. 5. A spring flower that comes in many colors. One bulb produces a single, long-stemmed flower
  4. 6. Spring holiday celebrated by Christains
  5. 7. Yellow flower that is one of the first to bloom in the spring
  6. 11. The fifth month of the year
  7. 13. Light rains during the month between March and May
  8. 14. A light rain (also a word for a hygienic practice)
  9. 16. Insects that make honey
  10. 17. When baby birds come out of their shells
  1. 2. Spring holiday celebrated by the Irish
  2. 4. Animal that can sing and live in trees
  3. 8. Plants that bloom during the month between April and June
  4. 9. When flowers open their buds
  5. 10. When flowers open their buds - typically used for a group of flowers
  6. 11. The third month of the year
  7. 12. A light wind
  8. 15. Small furry animal with large ears