
  1. 2. a small, shallow pool of water
  2. 5. season that comes after Winter
  3. 7. the state or time of being in blossom
  4. 9. something used to shield against the rain
  5. 11. air as it moves naturally over the surface of the earth
  6. 12. the conditions outside at a particular place and time
  7. 15. a curved arc of light of many colors caused by the sun's shining through drops of water during or after a rain
  8. 16. one of the, usually green, flat parts of a plant that grows from the stem or branch
  9. 18. the small part of a flowering plant that grows into a new plant
  10. 19. March comes in like a
  1. 1. the flower of a plant which forms a seed or fruit
  2. 3. to sleep through the winter in a den or burrow to save energy
  3. 4. the part of a plant that has petals
  4. 6. drops of water that form in the clouds and fall from the sky to the earth
  5. 8. this month is
  6. 10. March goes out like a
  7. 13. a green plant with narrow pointed leaves that often cover lawns and meadows
  8. 14. a woody plant that has a long main trunk and many branches
  9. 17. next month is
  10. 18. the earth and other planets revolve around it and receive heat and light from it