Spring Crossword (March 2023)
- 4. Sport most identified with Spring's arrival.
- 7. Flying one of these is connected with Sprig arrival.
- 8. To begin to grow.
- 11. First month of Spring.
- 13. Caterpillars become these.
- 15. Springtime festival treated as Labor Day in some countries.
- 16. May __________ .
- 17. April 22 = _______ Day.
- 19. April 1 = April ______ Day.
- 20. Second Sunday of May = _________ Day.
- 1. Sometime seen after a rainstorm, marked by its colorful presentation.
- 2. Popular outdoor accessory during Spring month to prevent becoming wet.
- 3. People often suffer from these as Spring progresses.
- 5. Last Monday of May = _________ Day.
- 6. Second month of Spring.
- 9. Third month of Spring.
- 10. Besides Autumn, Spring celebrates this astronomical event.
- 12. To produce flowers.
- 14. April _________ .
- 18. To emerge from an egg, pupa, or chrysalis.