Spring Spree

  1. 3. The opposite of dead
  2. 5. The early bird gets the ____
  3. 6. Stop playing video games and go play _______
  4. 7. Child's story; Peter ______
  5. 9. A bee makes this sound
  6. 11. A little droplet of water on a leaf
  7. 12. Baby animals are very much this
  8. 15. Blades of _____
  9. 17. St. Patrick's Day symbol
  10. 18. I'm having so much ___
  11. 19. A sport that starts in the spring
  12. 23. A fun holiday involving eggs, bunnies and baskets
  13. 24. Her special holiday is the second Sunday in May
  14. 25. Little kids like to stomp in them
  15. 27. It's ____ ing, It's pouring
  16. 28. It's big and blue
  1. 1. Big, tall, leafy plants
  2. 2. Flowers do this
  3. 4. You do it and so do plants
  4. 5. What goes on in the atmosphere in a certain time and place
  5. 8. Creepy crawly critters
  6. 9. Outdoor grilling with friends
  7. 10. Before a full grown flower
  8. 13. Our blue and green planet
  9. 14. Warm and yellow
  10. 16. A sport with a black and white ball
  11. 17. Baseball, football, soccer etc.
  12. 18. Pretty plant
  13. 20. A feathered, flying creature
  14. 21. It's white and puffy
  15. 22. the color of many spring things
  16. 25. Go out and ___
  17. 26. When it rains, this turns into mud