SR level 4

  1. 5. Abbreviation of an exercise where the distal part of a limb is free to move
  2. 6. One of the stages of healing
  3. 8. When testing for maximal strength we use this test
  4. 12. One of the five signs of inflammation
  5. 13. Pain receptors
  6. 14. a muscle wastes away
  7. 15. The force a muscle can exert against a resistance in one maximal effort
  8. 16. A muscle contraction where the muscle shortens
  9. 18. SAID principle - specific ... to imposed demands
  10. 19. A note taking system
  11. 20. A muscle that plantar-flexes the foot
  1. 1. Abducts the shoulder
  2. 2. Training a muscle to increase in size
  3. 3. Something that would prevent you carrying out a treatment
  4. 4. Descending '...'
  5. 7. A disease that causes blood sugar levels to become too high
  6. 9. Something that would make you adapt your treatment
  7. 10. Flexion occurs in this plane of motion
  8. 11. Full passive range of motion
  9. 17. Aims of active testing - pain, willingness & '.....'