St Patricks Day Marti Gras

  1. 5. The color most associated with St. Patrick’s Day.
  2. 6. A popular drink enjoyed during St. Patrick’s Day celebrations.
  3. 8. A three-leafed plant associated with St. Patrick.
  4. 9. A mischievous Irish fairy known for hiding gold.
  5. 11. A festive event held in many cities on this holiday.
  6. 12. A word often connected to Irish folklore and symbols.
  7. 14. The treasure often found at the end of a rainbow.
  1. 1. A colorful arc in the sky that leads to a pot of gold.
  2. 2. The creature that St. Patrick supposedly drove out of Ireland.
  3. 3. Referring to the ancient culture of Ireland.
  4. 4. The month when St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated.
  5. 7. The nickname for Ireland, "The ______ Isle."
  6. 10. The country where St. Patrick’s Day originated.
  7. 11. A staple food in Irish cuisine.
  8. 13. A lucky plant, sometimes found with four leaves.