St. Valentine's Day Fun Facts

  1. 4. This job recieves the most Valentines out of anyone.
  2. 8. It is believed by some that St. Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th as a papal effort to remove this pagan holiday.
  3. 9. Soul in Ancient Greek script.
  4. 10. Due to a printing error, only women buy items for St. Valentine's Day in this country.
  5. 12. 30% of these sold for holidays are sold on St. Valentine's Day
  1. 1. God of the westerly winds.
  2. 2. In Ghana, this treat is celebrated on February 14.
  3. 3. Said to be the residence of St. Valentine.
  4. 5. It is said that Cupid carried two arrows, one tipped with gold, and one tipped with this material
  5. 6. According to medieval Europeans,February 14th marked the beginning of the mating season of this type of animal
  6. 7. In Christianity, patron saint of beekeepers.
  7. 11. The first known Valentine's Day celebration took place here