Stage Terminology 2021

  1. 2. the actual head height of the actor as determined by his or her body position
  2. 4. if you can cause another actor to turn their back to the audience you are...
  3. 5. stage a four-sided stage built like a box with one side cutaway, enabling the audience to view the play as if it were in a picture frame
  4. 6. the area where the players perform; usually a raised platform
  5. 9. any stage not classified as proscenium, thrust, or arena; convenient staging
  6. 10. imaginary divisions giving depth to the proscenium stage
  7. 12. stage constructed so the audience can sit on all sides; also known as theatre in the round
  8. 13. turn body more towards the audience
  9. 14. the stage that extends into the seating area the audience sits on three sides of the stage
  10. 15. moving from one point on stage to another
  11. 18. the imaginary wall that disengages actors from their audience
  12. 19. after one actor moves, another moves in the opposite direction
  1. 1. purpose or reason behind the actor's movement
  2. 3. the actor moves to allow fellow actor the chance to take the scene
  3. 7. drape the draperies covering the proscenium opening, separating the audience from the stage
  4. 8. open to the center of the stage
  5. 11. the part of the stage extending past the proscenium arch toward the audience
  6. 13. turn to the wings of the stage
  7. 16. offstage spaces to the sides of the acting area
  8. 17. planning the movement on the stage
  9. 20. assume positions of equal strength