Stagecraft Vocab

  1. 3. the type of stage with actors on one side, audience on the other
  2. 5. to take the sets down after the show is over
  3. 8. a strip of fabric covering the crack between two flats to make them appear to be one piece
  4. 9. tech responsible for changing sets during a show
  5. 10. where the audience sits
  6. 11. a system of ropes and pulleys that allow battens to be flown in and out
  7. 15. the part of the stage in front of the curtain
  8. 17. speakers facing the actors that help them hear the music
  9. 18. short, side curtains that block off the audience’s view of the wings
  10. 19. a signal for something to happen
  11. 20. the place where announcements are posted for actors
  12. 22. when all stage lights go out at the same time
  13. 23. a practice where all set changes, lights and sound cues are done
  14. 25. a section of wall used as scenery
  15. 26. a flat or platform rigged with wheels
  1. 1. off stage left and off stage right
  2. 2. tape marks designating where set pieces go
  3. 4. the area above the audience where lights are hung and operated
  4. 6. a rehearsal with no stops for changes or corrections
  5. 7. the place where scenery and props are built
  6. 12. the front curtain
  7. 13. an elevated section of flooring used to raise actors or audience
  8. 14. a critical evaluation of a performance
  9. 16. lowering a flat to the ground where one person braces the flat and another lowers the other end
  10. 20. the back curtain
  11. 21. the poles from which lighting is hung
  12. 24. a piece of wood used to stabilize flats and platforms