Star Spangled Fun

  1. 2. Americans have more ____ than any other nation in the world. (Hint: It's a pet.)
  2. 4. This state boasts the oldest 4th of July parade in the country.
  3. 6. Small towns in the U.S. typically spend between $8,000 and $15,000 on their ____ displays.
  4. 7. The US is one of three countries that uses this system of measurement.
  5. 8. This number of presidents have died on July 4th.
  6. 9. Number of stripes in the US flag.
  7. 11. Americans typically eat 150 ____ hot dogs on Independence Day.
  8. 12. The US is nearly as big (by landmass) as this continent.
  9. 13. Three out of every four of this kind of twisted weather phenomenon happen in the US.
  10. 15. This state became the first to make the 4th of July an official state holiday in 1781.
  11. 16. America was the first nation to use the title ____ for head of state.
  1. 1. The largest signature on the Declaration of Independence.
  2. 3. The "Star Spangled Banner" became the ____ ____ 117 years after it was written.
  3. 5. The US boasts the largest body of freshwater in the world, Lake ____.
  4. 10. We're home to the largest number of ____ in the world. (Hint: They make our nation incredibly diverse.)
  5. 14. The 50th star on the US flag symbolizes this state's admission to the union.