Hot Fuzz
- 1. "Affirmative"
- 3. His birthday is in this month, every year
- 4. Evil old woman considered frightful or ugly
- 7. They are both named Andrew
- 9. Town in which the film was shot
- 10. ...... Colman, "Nothing like a bit of girl-on-girl"
- 11. Hot Fuzz is the blue original flavour
- 12. The name of the pub
- 2. Lord of the rings director who cameos as a deranged Santa
- 3. System of government categorised by extreme dictatorship
- 5. Farmers mum's have 'em
- 6. Simon Skinner is a self proclaimed one
- 8. You've got a moustache
- 9. Neighborhood ..... Alliance
- 10. How many swans