Star Wars

  1. 5. Number of engines on an X-Wing
  2. 6. Killed Jedi Master Agen Kolar
  3. 9. Smelled better on the outside
  4. 10. Mando's real name
  5. 12. Hidden world of the Sith
  6. 13. Measurement of Millennium Falcons run
  7. 16. Tarkin's impression of Princess Leia
  8. 17. Same species as Yoda
  9. 18. Type of crystals used in lightsabers
  10. 19. Birthplace of Han Solo
  11. 20. Yoda's final resting place
  12. 21. Storm trooper not at his post
  1. 1. Toydarian who owned Anakin
  2. 2. Species of Jar Jar Binks
  3. 3. This is the...
  4. 4. Type of droid R2-D2 is classified as
  5. 5. Path to the dark side
  6. 7. Not the location of the Rebel base
  7. 8. One of the Emporer's Hands
  8. 11. Wookies' homeworld
  9. 14. Language spoken by Krrsantan
  10. 15. Found in the Death Stars garbage compactor