Star Wars

  1. 2. What is the name of the forested moon in "Return of the Jedi" where the Rebel Alliance confronts the Empire?
  2. 5. Lando's Cloud City mining colony was lotated in which star system?
  3. 6. What is the wookie language that Han Solo claims to speak a little of in Solo: A Star Wars Story
  4. 8. What are the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine also known as?
  5. 9. what was the name of the planet were we first meet Rey?
  6. 10. What is the name of Han Solo's homeworld?
  7. 13. What was Luke's rank with the Rebel Alliance during the battle of Hoth?
  8. 16. What planet do we celebrate Life Day on in The Star Wars Holiday Special?
  9. 17. What is the name of the red-skinned Twi'lek who serves as Jabba the Hutt's majordomo in "Return of the Jedi"?
  1. 1. what was the name of the team who steal the Death Star plans?
  2. 3. What were the creatures that were chewing through the Millenium Falcon's power cables in Empire Strikes Back?
  3. 4. Emilia Clark plays which character in the Star Wars Universe?
  4. 6. What is the name of the podracer who cheats in the Boonta Eve Classic?
  5. 7. Who killed the assassin Zam Wessell in Attack of the Clones?
  6. 11. Who directed the original 1977 Star Wars film?
  7. 12. what was the surnames of Luke's uncle and aunt?
  8. 14. Obi-wan leaves Darth Vader to die on what planet?
  9. 15. Who owned Anakin and his mother in the Phantom Menace?