Star Wars

  1. 2. "The Jedi _____"
  2. 4. The clone's home planet
  3. 6. The Last name of Count Dooku's first apprentice
  4. 8. Count Dooku's sith name
  5. 12. The opponent pod racer from The Phantom Menace
  6. 14. Maul's Brother
  7. 15. The Arc Clone trooper with a handprint on his armour
  8. 16. The last name Leia used as a kid
  9. 18. Luke Skywalker's childhood planet
  1. 1. Bounty Hunter shot by Han Solo
  2. 3. The battle where the first death star got destroyed
  3. 5. The handle of a lightsaber
  4. 7. The son of Padme
  5. 9. Master Yoda's sister
  6. 10. The name of Jango Fett's ship which was later passed onto his son Boba
  7. 11. The abbreviation of the fifth episode
  8. 12. A force wilder devoted by the dark side
  9. 13. Anakin's first padawan
  10. 14. Jedi who oversees the production of the clones(Two words)
  11. 17. Who killed jango fett