Star Wars Character

  1. 3. Snips
  2. 5. claims to be a skywalker
  3. 6. Cowboy hat
  4. 7. 900 years old
  5. 14. "I'll try spinning, that's a good trick"
  6. 15. One of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy
  7. 17. Obi Wan's master
  8. 19. Captain of the 501st
  9. 21. A wookie
  10. 23. Got chopped in half
  11. 24. Princess
  12. 25. Pod racer broke down before the race started
  13. 29. Jedi master with 4 wives
  14. 30. Mandalorian who loves art
  15. 31. Togrutan member of the Jedi Council
  16. 33. Sith lord
  17. 34. Gungan Leader
  1. 1. Dooku's former SITH apprentice
  2. 2. Anakin's mum
  3. 4. Hutt
  4. 8. Female Boba
  5. 9. ___ shot first
  6. 10. Former padawan of Quinlan Vos
  7. 11. Former queen of Naboo
  8. 12. *Imperial march plays*
  9. 13. baby Yoda
  10. 16. sister of Satine
  11. 18. twi'lek pilot
  12. 20. Vader's grandson
  13. 22. Mando
  14. 26. Farm boy
  15. 27. "Hello there"
  16. 28. "Take a seat"
  17. 32. Member of the Jedi Council who can breathe underwater