  1. 3. Month of the couple's anniversary
  2. 4. The groom is known to do this while sleeping
  3. 5. First gift the bride gave to the groom
  4. 6. What game are they currently playing together?
  5. 7. Where is their target honeymoon country
  6. 9. What is the course of the bride
  7. 14. The couple's high school
  8. 15. First person to tease the couple back in high school
  9. 16. The couple's favourite take out food (clue: restaurant chain)
  10. 17. Who is older
  1. 1. Their favorite city (for now!)
  2. 2. First concert they went to together
  3. 6. The bride's expensive gift to the groom that she ended up using the most
  4. 8. Where do they currently live in NZ
  5. 10. Favorite drink of the couple
  6. 11. First couple trip (with no fam and friends)
  7. 12. First out of the country trip together
  8. 13. How old were they when they first met