State Vocab

  1. 2. a surgical operation in which a piece of the colon is diverted to an artificial opening in the abdominal wall.
  2. 3. persisting for a long time
  3. 5. chronic disease that affects the boyds ability to produce or respond to insulin
  4. 12. permanent tightening of the muscles, tendons, skin, and nearby tissues that cause the joints to shortern and becomes very stiff.
  5. 14. painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints
  6. 17. difficult or labored breathing
  7. 18. able to be transmitted from one person to another; contagious or infectious
  8. 19. accidental sucking in of food particles or fluids into the lungs
  9. 20. are defined as any biological or chemical substance that is dangerous to humans, animals or the environment
  1. 1. health care professional who manages disorders of hearing, balance and other neural systems
  2. 3. the action or state of making or being made ditry
  3. 4. a condition in which the air sack of the lungs are damaged and enlarged causing breathlessness
  4. 6. training therapy that is used to treat urinary incontinence.
  5. 7. the process of significantly reducing the number of pathogenic agents
  6. 8. small single-celled organisms
  7. 9. a rare, inherited disease that causes the progressive breakdown of nerve cells in the brain.
  8. 10. flexion in an upward direction
  9. 11. difficulty or painful swallowing
  10. 13. a frame that is installed at the foot of the bed to keep sheets/blankets off legs/feet
  11. 14. signs:difficutly breathing, agitation, rapid pulse
  12. 15. swelling caused by fluid in your body's tissue
  13. 16. paralysis of one side of the body
  14. 18. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease