States and Countries

  1. 2. Atlanta
  2. 4. Daytona 500
  3. 6. Bull Riding
  4. 7. Rich History and culture
  5. 9. Lots of stuff made their
  6. 11. Bagets
  7. 13. Blue Coats NBA
  8. 14. There is Zebras there
  9. 15. Has Elk and Grizzly Bears
  10. 16. Queen ELizabeth
  11. 18. Ruman and Sushi
  12. 19. churros
  1. 1. Home of the Browns football
  2. 3. Chicago Fire
  3. 5. Known for olives
  4. 8. Maple syrup
  5. 10. Known for wooden shoes
  6. 12. Dairy farms
  7. 14. College Football
  8. 17. Home of MT Katahdin