Nigerian States and Slogans

  1. 1. Pride of the Sahel
  2. 5. The People's Paradise
  3. 8. Gateway State
  4. 12. Centre of Commerce
  5. 13. Pearl of Tourism
  6. 16. Heartbeat of the Nation
  7. 17. Salt of the Nation
  8. 18. Coal City State
  9. 19. Land of Promise
  10. 22. Treasure Base of the Nation
  11. 23. Glory of all Lands
  12. 26. State of Harmony
  13. 27. Land of Beauty
  14. 28. Farming is our Pride
  15. 29. The Confluence State
  16. 30. The Big Heart
  17. 31. Centre of Excellence
  18. 33. Home of Peace
  1. 2. Sunshine State
  2. 3. Land of Equity
  3. 4. Jewel of the Savannah
  4. 6. Seat of the Caliphate
  5. 7. Eastern Heartland
  6. 9. Centre of Unity
  7. 10. The Power State
  8. 11. Food basket of the nation
  9. 14. Light of the Nation
  10. 15. Home of Peace and Tourism
  11. 16. Land of Honour and Integrity
  12. 20. The New World
  13. 21. Home of Solid Minerals
  14. 24. God's Own State
  15. 25. Nature's Gift to the Nation
  16. 26. Home of Hospitality
  17. 29. Centre of Learning
  18. 32. Land of Virtue
  19. 34. Pace Setter State