States of Consciousness

  1. 1. __________ drugs alter one's perceptions and moods
  2. 4. Sleep _______ refers to the condition where you experience temporary cessations in breathing and repeated awakenings
  3. 5. __________s are drugs that reduce anxiety but simultaneously impair judgement and memory
  4. 6. A night ______ is rarely remembered but causes its victims to take on a terrified appearance during their sleep
  5. 9. The transition into _______ is marked by slowed breathing and irregular brain waves
  6. 12. The _________ nucleus responds to light by ultimately adjusting melatonin production and changing our feelings of sleepiness
  7. 14. Refers to the continued difficulty in falling and staying asleep
  8. 15. __________s excite neural activity and speed up body functions
  9. 17. The sleep theory of ________ centers around the idea that sleep helps us restore and repair brain tissue
  10. 19. Sleep ________ is a phenomenon especially common amongst college and university students and is a predictor for depression
  11. 20. _______ waves occur when you are awake but relaxed
  1. 2. Our awareness of ourselves and our environment
  2. 3. a stimulating and highly addictive drug found in vapes, cigarettes, and tobacco
  3. 7. These are sensory experiences that occur without sensory stimuli
  4. 8. The ________ content of dreams refers to the underlying meaning of dreams, according to Freud
  5. 10. Skeeter the dog has this condition where he falls asleep uncontrollably
  6. 11. _______ sleep is also called paradoxical sleep because our muscles are relaxed while our bodily systems are active
  7. 13. Our ________ rhythm is a 24-hour cycle that our bodily functions also follow (sleep, for example)
  8. 16. The major active ingredient in marijuana, and may also trigger mild hallucinations.
  9. 18. Near-______ experiences are altered states of consciousness that occur after a close brush with _______. Think of "Heaven is Real."