States of Consciousness Review

  1. 4. vivid dreams commonly occur during this stage (23)
  2. 5. problems in falling or staying asleep (24)
  3. 9. biological clock (23)
  4. 11. our awareness of ourselves & our environment (22)
  5. 16. sequence passing through sleeping person's mind, difficulty remembering later (24)
  6. 17. altered state of consciousness after close brush with death (25)
  7. 19. alcohol use marked by tolerance, withdrawal, and a drive to continue problematic use (25)
  8. 20. acid, powerful hallucinogenic drug (25)
  1. 1. false sensory experience (23)
  2. 2. diminishing effect with regular use of same dose of a drug (25)
  3. 3. underlying meaning of a dream (24)
  4. 6. psychoactive drug in tobacco, stimulant (25)
  5. 7. sleep disorder characterized by high arousal and appearance of being terrified (24)
  6. 8. all sleep stage except for rem sleep (23)
  7. 10. rem sleep increase caused by rem sleep deprivation (24)
  8. 12. sleep disorder characterized by cessations of breathing and momentary awakenings (24)
  9. 13. remembered story line of a dream (24)
  10. 14. continued substance craving (25)
  11. 15. controls circadian rhythm (23)
  12. 18. compulsive craving of drugs (25)