States of matter

  1. 2. arranged regularly and packed closely vibrate
  2. 7. change from liquid to gas and happened on the surface
  3. 9. the liquid formed when solute disolves in a solvent
  4. 11. change from gas to liquid
  5. 13. some are touching some are not,move randomly
  1. 1. the substance that it dissolves
  2. 3. change from solid to liquid
  3. 4. move randomly at a high speed
  4. 5. change from liquid to solid
  5. 6. change from liquid to gas and happened on the surface and inner part
  6. 8. something dissolves in
  7. 9. change from solid to gas
  8. 10. the maxium of solute dissolve in a 100g solvent at a particular temperature
  9. 12. particles move from high concentration to lower concentration