States of Matter

  1. 3. moving from solid to liquid
  2. 6. if I want to change a gas to a liquid I need to ____ it
  3. 8. space without matter
  4. 10. a liquid/gas fills the ________ of its container
  5. 11. water does this at 100 degrees Celsius
  6. 13. moving from solid to gas
  7. 15. moving from liquid to gas at any temperature
  8. 16. a state of matter at the warmest temperature
  9. 17. moving from liquid to solid
  1. 1. if I want to change an object from a solid to a liquid I need to ____ it
  2. 2. thermometer measures this
  3. 4. a state of matter at the coldest temperature
  4. 5. moving from gas to liquid
  5. 7. moving from gas to solid
  6. 8. amount of space occupied by substance
  7. 9. mix of two or more materials
  8. 12. everything around us
  9. 14. this indicates how heavy or light a substance is