States of the UNITED states

  1. 2. Fat virginia
  2. 5. Mountains
  3. 6. Cowboys
  4. 8. Cleveland
  5. 9. Small guy
  6. 13. Gun-holders
  7. 14. First president
  8. 17. Hoboken
  9. 19. Richmond
  10. 22. Cheese state
  11. 23. Car place
  12. 27. State with weird dating policy
  13. 28. No water
  14. 30. The music state
  15. 31. Worse Dakota
  16. 32. Salt lake
  17. 35. Kool Aid
  18. 36. Chicago
  19. 37. Lumberjacks
  20. 39. River place
  21. 43. "Indian" place
  22. 44. Massachussetts the II
  23. 45. French guys
  24. 46. Oil Land
  25. 47. Tornado land
  26. 49. Rushmore
  1. 1. Las Vegas
  2. 3. MrBeast state
  3. 4. Michael Jackson
  4. 7. South MrBeast state
  5. 10. West Maine
  6. 11. Maple Syrup
  7. 12. Green Chili
  8. 15. Big city
  9. 16. Steel
  10. 18. Connect Boston to New York
  11. 20. Corn
  12. 21. Potato palace
  13. 24. Boston
  14. 25. Baltimore
  15. 26. Pacific
  16. 29. Idiot's state of choice
  17. 33. No one
  18. 34. North star state
  19. 38. Big river boy
  20. 40. Has the same name a country in transcaucasia
  21. 41. No houses
  22. 42. No sleep
  23. 46. Diamonds
  24. 48. Dry