Steps, Leaps & Rests Crossword

  1. 2. The treble clef is described as being of this shape. [5]
  2. 3. This type of double barline indicates that you have reached the end of a piece of music. [5]
  3. 5. The harp is a large, _________ instrument. [8]
  4. 11. A curly symbol found at the beginning of each staff of music which indicates the location of the note “G”. [10]
  5. 12. A string instrument capable of playing very rapid ascending and descending scales and arpeggios. It is played by plucking the strings. [4]
  6. 14. A symbol indicating NOT to play a note at a particular point in the music. [4]
  7. 15. A single, vertical line to separate the individual bars in a piece of music. [7]
  8. 18. The name given to the two numbers in the front of a piece of music to indicate how many beats in a bar. [13]
  9. 20. The name for the set of five lines upon which musical notes are printed. [5]
  10. 21. A series of notes, moving in a stepwise motion, is called this. [5]
  1. 1. A technique, using the fingers, to play the harp. [8]
  2. 4. A musical note which has a solid, black note heads and note stem. It is worth one count. [8]
  3. 6. A vertical line which joins the note head. [8]
  4. 7. Descending means moving in which direction? [8]
  5. 8. Moving in a “downwards” direction. [10]
  6. 9. Ascending means moving in which direction? [6]
  7. 10. The Italian word for “harp”. It also is the name for a series of notes that are separated by leaps. [8]
  8. 13. Another name for a treble clef. [5]
  9. 16. Moving in an “upwards” direction. [9]
  10. 17. The direction a series of notes take when they do not leap or skip notes. [8]
  11. 19. The oval-shaped symbol for a written musical note is called this. [8]