Steps To Divine Nature

  1. 1. When you believe you have what?, (it's the first principle of the gospel).
  2. 5. Peter says to add this to your faith (it means wanting to be good and to do good. Hint:VI_TUE
  3. 7. When you have more temperance/self-control, and you can wait for things to happen (like waiting for your birthday celebration) you have this!
  4. 8. After you have patience, you will be more Godly (because God is very patient with us); when we are more Godly, we have more ______ .
  1. 2. This is another word for self-control. Hint: TEMPER_NCE.
  2. 3. This is a special kind of kindness. It's not sisterly kindness, it's ___ kindness.
  3. 4. This is the greatest virtue of all, it is the pure love of Christ.
  4. 6. Peter says this is the next step after faith and virtue. In school you acquire this.