stomach channel

  1. 2. Four sea point of qi for the stomach channel
  2. 4. the stomach prepares food to be transformed into _________
  3. 8. this stomach point is level with REN-13
  4. 9. ST-25 is 2 cun lateral to the ______________
  5. 10. point category for ST-34
  6. 11. shu point for ST-44
  7. 13. luo-connecting point of the stomach channel
  8. 14. Front mu point of the stomach
  9. 15. ST-10 is on the neck at the _______ border of the SCM muscle
  10. 18. ST-41 is in a depression between the tendons of extensor hallucis longus and __________________
  11. 19. ST-42 is at the point where the pulsation of the ____________________ artery may be palpated
  12. 22. ST-7 is at the lower border of the ________ arch, in the depression anterior to the condyloid process of the mandible
  13. 24. ST-6 is approximately 1 fingerbreadth anterior and superior to the angle of the __________
  14. 27. this point is on the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the midline and 6 cun superior to the umbilicus
  15. 28. ST-11 is in the depression between the _________ and clavicular heads of the scm muscle.
  16. 29. ST-35 is lateral to the ________ ligament
  17. 30. ST-4 is located .4 cun lateral to the corner of the __________
  18. 32. ST-14 is in the _________ intercostal space
  19. 33. yin/yang identity of the stomach channel
  20. 34. ST-36 is a ruler/command point for the __________
  21. 35. ST-2 is located 1 cun directly below the pupil, in the depression at the _________ foramen
  22. 37. exit point of the stomach channel
  23. 38. shu point for ST-45
  24. 39. ST-3 is level with the lower border of the _________
  1. 1. point category for ST-9
  2. 2. This stomach point is 6 cun proximal to the superior border of the patella
  3. 3. ST-39 is the lower he sea point for the ____________________
  4. 5. ST-13 is on the _______ border of the clavicle
  5. 6. shu point for ST-41
  6. 7. ST-43 is on the dorsum of the foot between the second and _____________ metatarsal bones
  7. 8. in the supraclavicular area, this point is posterior to the superior border of the clavicle and at its midpoint, 4 cun lateral to the midline, on the mamillary line
  8. 12. ST-37 is the lower he sea point for the ______________________
  9. 16. ST-15 is in the _________ intercostal space
  10. 17. With the eyes looking forward, this point is located directly below the pupil between the eyeball and the infraorbital ridge
  11. 20. ST-31 is on the upper thigh, in a depression just lateral to the _________ muscle
  12. 21. shu point for ST-43
  13. 23. shu point for ST-36
  14. 25. ST-5 is directly anterior to the angle of the jaw, in a depression at the anterior border of the ________ muscle
  15. 26. Back shu point of the stomach channel
  16. 31. ST-8 is at the corner of the forehead and .5 cun within the anterior ________
  17. 36. ST-9 is located with the tip and 1.5 cun lateral to the __________ prominence