Stop Motion
- 1. sit, lie, or fall with one's arms and legs spread out in awkward way
- 3. help or benefit
- 6. a sudden, sharp localized pain
- 7. fall suddenly
- 11. distress to
- 13. attack
- 14. to transform
- 15. provide a building with an arched roof
- 17. a faint
- 19. Metropolis
- 24. a curve
- 27. severe mental
- 28. conceal
- 29. consequence
- 2. primary
- 4. small wave
- 5. Gotham City
- 8. bombard with something
- 9. cover with
- 10. a fence
- 12. hooded robe
- 16. Wally West
- 18. diverge
- 20. surround
- 21. become accustomed to a new climate
- 22. another planet
- 23. disappear
- 25. widespread destruction
- 26. tremble