Story Time - Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. an exciting, adventurous story
  2. 7. what books you like, when & where you like to read, etc.
  3. 8. a building that collects books which you can borrow
  4. 9. a digital version of a book
  5. 11. where you can put your books
  6. 12. large sheets of paper with news, articles, stories, pictures, etc. on them
  7. 13. a woman with magic powers (often in spooky stories)
  8. 17. an online website where you can read texts
  9. 18. a bad dream
  1. 1. a scary story
  2. 2. a story with magical creatures and places in it
  3. 3. a set of books with a few volumes
  4. 5. little bumps you can get on your skin when you read something exciting
  5. 6. a person who loves reading
  6. 10. an event at school happening at night where students have to bring books
  7. 14. a small computer you can carry around & read e-books on
  8. 15. a person who is very brave and saves everybody
  9. 16. a book with text and pictures