Stranger in a Strange Land

  1. 5. what the Mike believes he "only is"
  2. 6. the planet the Man From Mars/Mike is from
  3. 7. the occupation of Gillian Boardman, better known as Jill
  4. 8. Jubal has three of these
  5. 10. the man who helps Jill and the Man from Mars
  6. 12. the first name of the Man from Mars
  7. 16. the Martian term for/idea of death
  1. 1. how long it takes before humans return to Mars after the Champion's journey
  2. 2. where Mike was originally held by the government
  3. 3. something Mike is strongly fascinated with
  4. 4. the most precious thing for any Martian
  5. 9. a car, but for space
  6. 11. the occupation of Ben Caxton
  7. 13. the name of a ship that went to Mars
  8. 14. the last name of the Man from Mars
  9. 15. to understand
  10. 17. an organization that Mike begins