stranger than fiction

  1. 3. giant..... was first thought as a myth, until some fishermen brought some decapitated arms to show.
  2. 6. Unlike Komodo, Okapi is a ....... animal
  3. 8. this animal looks like a mix of giraffe and zebra
  4. 9. Unfortunately the .... was not an experienced one, he couldn't fly the plane as well as me.
  5. 10. Giant..... has extinct million years ago, we can only see this from the fossilized bone found by the archeologist.
  6. 11. The people who fight in the war for the country.
  1. 1. this prehistoric giant lizard crawls on its stomach to hunt its prey.
  2. 2. Dragon Is a ...... animal
  3. 3. are still trying to discover a way to resurrect Mammoth.
  4. 4. People in north America believe there is a giant ape that roam in the pine forest. They call it .....
  5. 5. As...., he needs to investigate some interesting story to report for the newspaper.
  6. 7. When the ancient people found this animal, they thought it was a new species of human.