Stress Management

  1. 2. Breathwork refers to any ____ exercise or technique used to improve mental, physical and overall well-being.
  2. 3. ____ are positive reminders about your self-esteem and highlight your qualities as a person.
  3. 4. Body scan is a ____ technique where we pay attention to our own body bringing awareness and its sensations.
  4. 8. Arranging things in order of importance to manage time effectively is called setting ____ .
  5. 10. ____ an help you ground yourself and refocus your attention on something calm.
  6. 11. ____ attacks are a type of fear response, and it is your body’s reaction to danger, stress, or excitement.
  1. 1. ____ is a powerful tool of expression by writing your thoughts and emotions.
  2. 5. Symptoms between ____ and stress could be similar and are usually comorbid
  3. 6. ____ is the physical and psychological response to the pressures of daily life.
  4. 7. ____ fog is characterized by confusion, forgetfulness, lack of focus, and clarity.
  5. 9. ____ deprivation affects your psychological state and mental health.