Structures and Mechanisms

  1. 2. These simple machines cut through paper
  2. 3. Supports with tension
  3. 6. Has a definite shape, size, and purpose
  4. 7. A round simple machine
  5. 8. You might cut your fingers on this material
  6. 11. Canada's tallest free-standing structure
  7. 13. A wheel with teeth
  8. 14. Triangle shapes that make a structure strong
  9. 16. The ability to balance and stay fixed in one spot
  10. 17. Something that does not damage easily
  11. 19. The measure of rotational force
  12. 20. Can bend without breaking
  1. 1. The force of pushing down
  2. 4. This pulley system moves people up and down
  3. 5. A grooved wheel with a rope
  4. 9. A rod or bar that helps a structure to resist pressure
  5. 10. The force of pulling up
  6. 12. A combination of a fixed and a moveable pulley
  7. 13. Gears that are linked together
  8. 15. This structure can help you cross bodies of water
  9. 18. The ability to support a load