Structures of the Respiratory System

  1. 6. Flap of cartilage that directs material down either the larynx or esophagus.
  2. 8. Intercostal muscles that contract to increase the volume of the thoracic cavity.
  3. 11. Short cartilaginous tube that contains the vocal folds/cords.
  4. 14. Structure that connects the bronchioles to the alveoli.
  5. 17. Tube of cartilage and smooth muscle that connects the upper airway to the lungs.
  6. 18. The trachea splits into the primary ____ that direct air into the right and left lobes of the lungs.
  7. 20. The lung is split into two ____.
  1. 1. Structure that contains three pairs of tonsils.
  2. 2. Muscle that forces air out of the lungs when it relaxes into a dome-shape.
  3. 3. Normal point of entry for air into the body when an individual is at rest (two words w/ no space).
  4. 4. Intercostal muscles that contract to decrease the volume of the thoracic cavity.
  5. 5. Cluster of lymphatic tissue that are involved in the body's immune response.
  6. 7. Epithelial cells that secrete mucus.
  7. 9. The smallest airways of the respiratory tract with a diameter of 1 mm or less.
  8. 10. Common name for the thyroid cartilage of the larynx (two words w/ no space).
  9. 12. Pair of air-filled organs contained within the pleural cavity.
  10. 13. Curved bone structure of the nasal cavity that produce turbulent air flow.
  11. 15. Contraction of the ______ muscles pushes the diaphragm upward during forced expiration.
  12. 16. Type of connective tissue that receives no direct blood supply.
  13. 19. Site of gas exchange between the respiratory and circulatory systems.